Connect to a compute cluster:
option 1: use PMACS
use ssh to connect to PMACS. You’ll be propted for your password.
ssh -X
Enter the interactive bash shell
bsub -Is bash
or for larger datasets:
bsub -Is -q denovo -n 5 bash
Activate QIIME
source /opt/software/qiime/1.8.0/
option 2: use CHMI’s linux server
ssh username@
check your mapping file
In order to use QIIME, you must have your mapping file correctly formatted. An example of this format is shown in the table below. ‘#SampleID’, ‘BarcodeSequence’, ‘LinkerPrimerSequence’ and ‘Description’ must all be present in the file and named exactly as we’ve written (case sensitive). Specific details about your experiment (treatment, sample type, cage, etc) are added between the ‘LinkerPrimerSequence’ and ‘Description’ columns. Here we’ve simply listed these as covariate1, covariate2, etc. You can have as many of these columns as necessary to describe your experiment. Note the sampleID column must be unique.
#SampleID | BarcodeSequence | LinkerPrimerSequence | covariate1 | covariate2 | covariate3 | Description |
001 | ATCGCTACTTAGCGCT | GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA | cageA | control | wild-type | WT naive mouse #1 |
002 | TGCGCCACTAACCGCT | GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA | cageB | treated | wild-type | WT infected mouse #1 |
003 | GGCAATCACTAACCGC | GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA | cageA | treated | wild-type | WT infected mouse #2 |
Once you think you have your mapping file ready to go, run the
line below to confirm that the format is correct. Visualize the output html file. Yellow is ok, red is an error that needs to be fixed. -m MappingFile.txt
Join forward and reverse reads
We begin by taking our forward and reverse reads and joining these reads. The resulting output file (called ‘joinedReads’ in the example below) will be a single fastq file containing all of your data. -f myForwardReads.fastq -r myReverseReads.fastq -o JoinedReads
dealing with barcodes
Our UPenn sequencing core delivers fastq files that have the barcode listed in the header. After joining paired ends, both barcodes will be listed in the header, with a ‘+’ separating the two. We’ll use a perl script to remove the ‘+’ in order to prevent issues later.
perl JoinedReads/fastqjoin.join.fastq > JoinedReads.fastq
With the ‘+’ removed, we then extract the barcodes and put these into new file called ‘barcodes’ -f JoinedReads.fastq -l 16 -o Barcodes -c barcode_in_label
Right now, each of your sequences is associated with a specific barcode, but we haven’t yet matched these barcodes with our original sample identifiers. This is where your mapping file comes in. In the process of doing this mapping, we’ll also discard any sequences with Phred scores < 30. -i JoinedReads.fastq -o sl_out -q 29 -b Barcodes/barcodes.fastq -m MappingFile.txt --barcode_type 16
Quality filtering
We use Mothur to trim our sequences, but you can also use other programs such as the FASTX toolkit. We’ll begin by firing up Mothur:
First, let’s use Mothur’s handy summary.seqs
function to sumarize information about the sequence file, including binning sequences by length, looking at the number of sequences in each bin, and finding homopolymers
Now, we’ll use Mothur to trim the sequences and remove homopolymer runs. You can adjust these values based on the region you are looking at. For 16S V4 we expect sequences of 250 bp, so we trim based on that expectiation. If you’re using another 16S region, then you may want to adjust the minlength
and maxlength
parameters accordingly. Once complete, we run summary.seqs
again to visualize the impact of trimming on our data. Finally, we quit mothur.
trim.seqs(fasta=sl_out/seqs.fna, maxhomop=10, minlength=248, maxlength=256)
Optional: Concatenate fasta data from multiple runs
We typically put data from each run into a single large file that contains all data from all past runs. This is something we do internally at CHMI, so if you’re running though this on your own, feel free to skip this step.
cat MiSeq1234567_seqs.fna MiSeq8_seqs.fna > MiSeq12345678_seqs.fna
Generate a fasta file that has only your sequences of interest
16S microbiome sequencing runs often include 100’s of samples. Since you many not want to analyze all the samples from a single run at the same time, you can use the QIIME
function to select only samples of interest. You’ll need to provide a simple text file with the samples IDs you’d like to keep arranged in a single column (in the example below, we have called this ‘sample_id_fp’). -i MiSeq12345678_seqs.fna --sample_id_fp MappingFile.txt -o Project.fna
Generate OTU table
At this point, you’ll have to decide if you want to pick OTU’s de novo, use a closed reference method, or use an open reference method. You can read more about these methods, and their respective advantages/disadvantages here. Don’t be deceived by this short line of code. There’s a lot of important stuff that’s happening here, so you may want to read up a bit on this.
Option 1: -i Project.fna -o DeNovoOTUs
Option 2: (longer way, but easier to extract the chimeras) -i Project.fna –enable_rev_strand_match –otu_picking_method cdhit -s 0.97 –prefix_prefilter_length 200 -o otus -f Project.fna -i otus/Project_otus.txt –rep_set_picking_method most_abundant -o rep_set.fna -i rep_set.fna -t /home/Reference/core_set_aligned.fasta.imputed.txt -o aligned_seqs -i rep_set.fna -o assigned_taxonomy –confidence 0.8
Remove PCR chimeras
chimeras are PCR amplicons formed from two separate parent DNA molecules during the PCR reaction. These need to be removed, otherwise they would be interpreted as novel organisms and would therefore erroneously inflate community diveristy. The output file is a txt file that has the list of sequence numbers. -i aligned_seqs/rep_set_aligned.fasta -m ChimeraSlayer -o chimeric_seqs.txt -a /home/misic/Reference/core_set_aligned.fasta.imputed.txt
Filtering and subsetting
Produce a .biom file from your data. You can read about the .biom file format here -i otus/Project_otus.txt -t assigned_taxonomy/rep_set_tax_assignments.txt -o otu_table.biom -e chimeric_seqs.txt
Remove OTUs from the table that only have a single representative sequence, a.k.a. ‘singletons’, as well as OTUs with fewer than 10 sequences -i otu_table.biom -n 10 -o otu_table2.biom
If you want to see the most (or least) abundant OTUs in your table -i otu_table_2.biom --min_count_fraction 0.01 -o otu_table_onlygreaterthan1percent.biom
We use file with the otu names of the mitochondria, cyanobacteria, and unassigned taxa and remove those from the OTU table. Depending on your project, you may or may not want to remove these. For work involving stool, I remove cyanobacteria. However, if you are performing an enviornmental study, you may choose to keep these in.
$ -i otu_table2.biom -e Mito_Cyano_and_unassigned.txt -o otu_table3.biom
Now subset your data to select only those columns of the taxa table the correspond to the samples you’re interested in analyzing -i otu_table_3.biom --sample_id_fp MappingFile_SoilOnly.txt -o otu_table_4SoilOnly.biom
Summarize your .biom file to produce a simple text file with taxa
biom summarize-table -i otu_table3.biom -o Table3Summary.txt
rarify to desired depth -i otu_table_4soilonly.biom -d 2900 -o otu_table_5_soil_2900.biom
create rel abund for taxa -m /home/misic/MAD/Files/MappingFile_MAD_v3.txt -c Treatment -o TaxaSumTreatment -i otu_table_3.biom
Get counts for taxa -i otu_table_3.biom -a -o TaxaSumAbs -m /home/misic/MAD/Files/MappingFile_MAD_v3.txt
# Flag: -L 2 phylum ; -L 3 class ; -L 4 order ; -L 5 family -L 6 genus ; -L 7 species
example: -m /home/misic/MAD/Files/MappingFile_MAD_v3.txt -c Treatment -o TaxaSumTreatment -i otu_table_3.biom -L 5
Group samples by treatment group -i otu_table_3.biom --sample_id_fp MappingFile_MAD_SoilOnly.txt -o otu_table_4soilonly.biom
Generate beta diversity plots -i otu_table_5_soil_2900.biom -m MappingFile_MAD_SoilOnly.txt -o BetaDiv_Soil -t rep_set.tre
filter taxa based on rel abund
$ -i otu_table_3.biom --min_count_fraction 0.01 -o otu_table_onlygreaterthan1percent.biom
relative abundance and plots -m MappingFile.txt -c Treatment -o TaxaSumTreatment -i otu_table_3.biom
Optional flags include for this function include:
-L 2
for phylum-L 3
for class-L 4
for order-L 5
for family-L 6
for genus-L 7
for species
Example: -m MappingFile.txt -c Treatment -o TaxaSumTreatment -i otu_table_3.biom -L 5. Only gives data at family level. Groups samples into treatment groups
Produce a table with absolute sequence counts. -i otu_table_3.biom -a -o TaxaSumAbs -m MappingFile.txt
Identify the core microbiome in your samples at different taxanomic levels (for example, which OTUs are found in 90% of the samples). -i otu_table.biom -o otu_table_core_fast --mapping_fp MappingFile.txt --valid_states "Treatment:Fast"
Alpha diversity
Obtain the alpha diversity values for the listed at 4 phylogenetic levels
There are many options for alpha diversity metrics, but the ones we use most commonly include:
- observed_species
- shannon
- simpson
- simpson_e
- PD_whole_tree
- chao1
- fisher_alpha -m shannon,chao1,PD_whole_tree,observed_species -i otu_table.biom -o AlphaDiv.txt -t rep_set_aligned.tre
Generate ‘collectors curves’ (A.K.A. rarefaction plots) that can be visualized as HTML -O 10 -a -i otu_table3.biom -o alpha_rare_curves -m MappingFile.txt -t rep_set_aligned.tre -p parameters.txt
rarify to desired depth, in this example, 2900 sequences -i otu_table.biom -d 2900 -o otu_table_2900.biom
Optional: QIIME ‘core diversity analysis’
If so desired, you can use the function below to carry out several QIIME diversity analyses together. This is a basic workflow that begins with a BIOM table, mapping file, and optional phylogenetic tree. -i otu_table.biom -m MappingFile.txt -o CoreAnalyses -t rep_set_aligned.tre -c Timepoint,Exper_name,Breed_Strain -e 5000
The included scripts are those run by the workflow scripts,,, plus the (non-workflow) scripts,, and To update parameters to the workflow scripts, you should pass the same parameters file that you would pass if calling the workflow script directly.
Additionally, a table summary is generated by running the ‘biom summarize-table’ command (part of the biom-format package). To update parameters to this command, your parameters file should use ‘biom-summarize-table’ (without quotes) as the script name. See for more details.
Beta diversity
This is to create the distance matrix which is then used for the next script, compare categories -i otu_table.biom -m MappingFile.txt -o BetaDiv -t rep_set.tre -p parameters.txt -i otu_table.biom -m weighted_unifrac,unweighted_unifrac,bray_curtis,binary_jaccard -t rep_set_aligned.tre -o BetaDivMatricesV10
With Beta diversity you also have many choices for metrics to you. We most often look at:
- weighted_unifrac
- unweighted_unifrac
- bray_curtis
- binary_jaccard
This script uses anosim (Analysis of similarities) to analyze if groups vary by timepoint. Output is an R value (from -1 to 1) and a p value. The more a category influences microbiota, the larger the R values will be, and the smaller the p value will be. -i otu_table.biom -m MappingFile.txt -i BetaDivMatrices/weighted_unifrac_otu_table.txt -c Timepoint --method anosim -o WU_Timepoint
Note: you must explicitly state which statisical test you would like to use to compare categories. You options include: Also Note: you input biom. file could be rarefied (or not), or filtered to only be certain groups
- adonis
- anosim
- best
- morans_i
- mrpp
- permanova
- permdisp
- dbrda
You may also find it useful to make boxplots showing distances. You can do this as follows: -d BetaDivMatrices/unweighted_unifrac_otu_table.txt -o DistanceHist -m MappingFile.txt -f Treatment
Machine learning approaches -i otu_table.biom -m MappingFile.txt -c Treatment -o MachineLearningResults -v -e cv10