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16S rRNA gene sequencing Page Preparation of V4 region, 16S dual-indexed libraries for sequencing on an Illumina platform
SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-Seq Kit v2- Pico Input Mammalian Page This protocol walks you through preparing a total transcriptome RNA library for RNAseq when your starting amount of RNA is less than ~50ng or if you are work...
Illumina Nextera Flex Sample Preparation Protocol Page Preparation of sequencing libraries from DNA or cDNA for sequencing on an Illumina platform
Illumina Nextera XT Sample Preparation Protocol Page Preparation of sequencing libraries from DNA or cDNA for sequencing on an Illumina platform
Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Preparation Protocol Page Preparation of mRNA libraries for sequencing on an Illumina platform
Single Cell RNAseq – library prep Page post-encapsulation steps for preparing sequence-ready libraries for scRNAseq
mRNA-seq library prep for low input samples Page This protocol walks you through preparing a mRNA library for RNAseq when your starting amount of RNA is less than ~75ng. This is a useful protocol if you ar...
Illumina TruSeq Stranded total Sample Preparation Protocol Page Preparation of total transcriptome libraries for sequencing on an Illumina platform